What is "Toradig"?

I’ve seen this listed many places, but I don’t know what type of person it refers to? Can someone offer any clarity?


I would suggest taking one more step and defining all of the “options” - not only what is Toradig, but what people mean when they put down Modern Orthodox, Orthodox, Yeshiva-ish, Shomer MItzvos, a little of everything…

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We’ve been playing around with the idea that everyone has their own definitions and therefore not very clear what someone means. So we’ve been testing this idea where you rate yourself against each type. How yeshivish do you consider yourself? How chassidish?.. This approach actually works and you get a pretty good sense of the types the person sees themselves as. Don’t forget, types isnt meant to define anyone. It is merely a tool by which one can narrow down possibilities. There are no words to define anyone on earth and that will never change.


How true. I’ve seen profiles in which a woman lists “Orthodox Machmir” or “Yeshiva-ish” and then posts a non-tzanu’ah picture of herself. I haven’t asked these people, but how do they define these terms?

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lol yup we’ve seen this a million times. We’ve actually tested this new approach on a bunch of people and it has worked. Time will tell if it works for the masses.


Toradig by simple definition should be someone who bases their actions on Torah.
everybody sees halacha and hashkafa through their own colored glasses…

So i think Torahdig as a classification says nothing, arent we all Torahdig from heavy chasidish to litvish to MO to kipah srugah, even if i may add open orthodox?
( they feel they are just as Torahdig as the next guy):scream:

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Ok, so that’s what toradig should mean. But how are people using it? Are people who are more Yeshivish using it? And does Yeshivish mean that they plan to learn full time and have their wife support them? Or is it someone who values Torah as a top priority but will also work, or is THAT Toradig?

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thats why the term means nothing

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I think perhaps some people who are Bais Yaakov type girls but are not yeshivaish would classify themselves as torahdig. And perhaps a working boy who learns often may consider himself torahdig…I’m sure many others on the spectrum define themselves as torahdig as well…
I view it as very frum but not yeshivaish… or “out of town yeshivaish”

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Thank you! Finally a working definition. And I’m assuming someone who more likely classifies themselves as yeshivish would be someone who wanted to learn full time/go into chinuch if necessary?

Personally, I view myself as a blend of a number of labels. While I am not in chinuch nor learning full time, I still fell “yeshiva-ish” in that I enjoy yeshiva davening the most.

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how about simple questions of the major mitzvot if one observes?

I think a better idea is to separate them into “background,” “lifestyle,” and “ideology.” Because when I see these terms, I never know if “modern yeshivish” means “grew up in a modern yeshivish household,” “grew up modern but became yeshivish” (or vice versa), or “grew up not frum but took on a modern yeshivish outlook to life.” And then we can use more specific or easily defined words to describe them.

All this talk about labels reminds me of a story
Rav Yizchok Kirzner, zt"l, once asked his secretary to purchase airline tickets for him and to be sure to ask about the FFB discount. She, herself was just becoming observant, exclaimed: "What, they give discounts for people who are Frum From Birth_emphasized text_!

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