Suggestions for improving the ZivugTech site

My pleasure! Thanks!

I would like to see a requirement that at least 3 references should be required when a profile is posted.

3 mandatory references is a bit extreme in my opinion.


will try I"H tomorrow
thank you

  1. Some profiles are not fully filled out. It would be great if someone could get in touch with the singles and have them update and completely fill in their info. It makes it difficult when certain key pieces are missing.

  2. Age! So many times Iā€™ve sent profiles, only to find out that the age listed is inaccurate and it really turns people off. Instead of selecting an age, profiles should be based on birthday and birth year. Then the system could update automatically.

  3. Auto sign in. Not sure why I have to always sign back in to my account. There should be an auto sign in that always lets me into my account. Also, the account logs out after just a few minutes of inactivity.


I would say either 2 references or 1 shadchan

The ability to receive emails back from someone I sent it to. Right now I have to send the resumes from my email in order to get back an email with a reply.

The single most important improvement in my humble opinion which still needs to be implemented is the ability to edit profiles. I myself have various profiles in the system simply because I could not edit my pre-existing profile. And I couldnā€™t delete the older profile. Having this ability will make the system much more professional.

Our latest version has editing your profileā€¦

Hi I am in Israel. I am friends with your mother. Can you please email her phone # to

I too am very grateful for your efforts to improve the site and anxiously await the v2. I think someone mentioned an ā€œacceptā€ or ā€œdeclineā€ option and I was wondering if that could be directly connected to the shadchanā€™s email address. Iā€™ve reached out to a few and some bounced back while others just didnā€™t respond. Also, the suggestion to auto email every few months to remind folks to update is a great idea in that one gentlemanā€™s referenceā€™s phone number is disconnected. Thanks again for all you efforts, D

I agree 100%. Over the months and years (hopefully not too many!) you want to be able to update and change.

Would love to have the ability to see when the resume was inserted into the DB
If I see it was inserted 3 years ago I know details are off

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How about a shadchan database?

Working on it. Should be released soon

i have many lists
question is, do they want to be on a published list?
i know a few people who changed their phone numbers when they were inundated with shidduch requests

With our list they wont have to share their contact info. They can be contacted through the system.

Hi Ralph. Thanks for all your efforts in this big mitzvah. I saw what you said about beta having a decline and accept button, clicked on the link you dropped and created a profile on it. I had an email conversation with a zivugtech leader about this feature and they said it will not be implemented. Obviously I was dissapointed. When I referenced that you had said that it would be a feature of Beta, the leader did not respond. Was really looking forward to a more interactive version of Zivugtech. Could you give me clarity on whether there actually be an accept/decline button or not? Thanks again.

Hi, there is a long list of features in our road map. It takes a lot of time to build software and its expensive. These features wont appear overnight. Thanks for your patience,

Hi and thanks for the quick response. Why donā€™t you charge a fee for your labor? You deserve to get paid just like all other dating websites. I mean I greatly admire your desire to do chesed. But charging a sign up fee would help cover the expensive costs of building software and in addition would help to greatly speed up the process.