Hi guys,
As a single I can tell you first hand that after years of dating many singles just don’t have the strength to make the push for a first date all over again. Though absolutely necessary, first dates are viewed by many older singles as stressful and time consuming which sadly outweighs the optimistic hopes that this time he or she will be a partner for life. Personally, I’ve been known to quicker say yes to date someone who happens to be local and ok with a short casual date (max 2 hours) than having to travel an hour or two to pickup a girl to then have to travel an hour or two after the date to return home. Its sad that many of us think this way but this is the reality for many who have been dating for years.
Side note: Once we to actually meet someone we like we have all the energy in the world to travel and date and spend whatever it costs. After all it is our future. Its just until we actually meet someone that we just resign to our current lives which we’ve become comfortable with and avoid risking change for someone we don’t know anything about.
The idea:
I’ve been approached by some great people from Brooklyn who have this idea that shadchanim could avoid having to try pushing older singles to date which is an uphill battle for many. Instead the shadchanim can just try getting both singles to agree to meet online for 15 minutes on a video conference. There are no commitments, no traveling, no stress of being prepared… Just a casual 15 minutes online on a video conference that the shadchan sets up.
After this ‘first date’ each single can make their own decisions privately with their shadchan about whether to agree to officially start dating or not. It will be a lot easier for each single to make a decision now that other person is no longer a mystery.
Your thoughts?
Personally, I’m unsure if I’d agree easily to such ‘first dates’ because honestly I’ve never done it and dont know how it would play out but I’m certainly open to the idea of trying it out. I’m interested in knowing what your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are about short video conferencing as a ‘first date’ setup by a shadchan. Would you do it? Have you done it and how did it go? As a shadchan do you think it would be easier to get singles to agree to video first dates rather than trying to push for a full first date?