Hi, I am looking for a shidduch. Can someone help me?
Hi .I would like to find out a little more about you and what you are looking for. I might know someone special for you. please get back to me. You look like a great guy.Thanks
Know lots of girls. Would need some info. Thanks
: I learn in yeshiva every day. I am in my final year of the Business Administration program at Brooklyn College. I hope to obtain employment in business or finance related fields. I grew up in a Torah home, which is appreciative of Midos Tovos, Chesed , being sensitive to others’ needs and feelings. I am considered to be very sweet and gentle. I am also easygoing, loyal, loving, relaxed, outgoing, and open-minded.As such, I am looking for a bas Torah who is a solid frum girl. The qualities of my bashert would be a girl who is gentle, thoughtful, loves chesed and wants to build a Torah home. This special someone should share my desire to find a life partner in order to enjoy a close giving and loving relationship.