Are there people out there that can help singles write their resumes?

I’ve had many people ask for me to help them write their resumes. Have you come across people how can help singles write resumes?

yes, well sorta
I know a email that creates resumes for chasidish to hiemish singles
resume at shidduchmeeting dot com
(intentional is to not provide webcrawling apps with the address)
info provided should be
name, parent info, contact info
schools, job, rav, shul, and references
the resume goes to active shadchanim in BP, Willi, Monsey, Square, Monroe and Lakewood
no fee

Tell someone to include some information about themselves, and what type of person they are looking for. If you are given two resumes, why should you choose one over another? If they have information about themselves or who they are looking for, it may give a better idea if it is a good match to look into.

Some people like to put siblings/mechutanim on their resume. This can serve as a family reference without seeming like you are putting on lots of references.

usually with chasidish to hiemish, the shadchan is the one doing the matching so descriptions should not be needed, the shadchan should know whats s/he is selling and whether there’s a potential match

Yes, but when someone gets multiple resumes at one time (more common for boys than girls) why should they choose one over another? I had a parent who told me she chose to make phone calls for a certain girl, because the OTHER girl had a friend that she didn’t like. Is that a good reason to choose who to date?

Also, do you think that shadchanim always remember all the information about a person? They set people up by saying “he’s learning, she wants a learning guy” or “he working and learning and that’s what she’s looking for” while the personality, or even hashkafa, are not aligned. Having some more information doesn’t hurt.

I’d be more than happy to help anyone who needs help putting together a resume.

Hi how do u put resumes together

When I was on a quest to construct a proper shidduch resume I turned to where else,…Reb Google!!

I found this link super helpful -

I can gladly help any person who needs to write up a shiduch resume

I write amazing, professional resumes. I even helped a chassidish fellow from Boro Park write a classic profile with his photo on it and it got attention. He was matched because of his stand-out resume. (The matchmaker remembered it six months after she got it!) It was kind of funny how a matchmaker in Seattle helped a chassid from Boro Park find a match.
I charge for the interview and resume. The resume is not complete without editing and discussing with the single. See my website: