ARCC Institute, has just launched a new community project--the DAAS (Data Analytics Addressing Shidduchim) Initiative

The mission of DAAS (Data Analytics Addressing Shidduchim) is to provide a data-driven perspective on dating and marriage issues to inform decision making for policy and action in our community.

Although the ‘shidduch crisis’ is a much talked about problem in our community, we currently lack basic information about this issue. As of now, there are no systematically gathered data that would let us know the percentage of women and men having trouble getting married, if the problem is getting worse or better with time, or regarding related issues such as the divorce rate over time. Our goal is to collect communal data to discover the facts defining this problem, and the factors contributing to the problem, so that we can help more people get married by implementing the most effective solutions possible.

In this multi-phase project we will:

Identify patterns in dating, marriage, divorce and single-hood rates across time, gender, age and community

Identify underlying factors contributing to the patterns discovered

Use the data to inform and develop community interventions aimed at helping more individuals get married

We have developed a survey to gather information about dating, marriage, divorce and single-hood rates in the Jewish Orthodox community. By answering the survey below, you will contribute to the understanding of communal marriage patterns as an important first step in this process. This survey takes just a few minutes to complete and will require you to answer some questions pertaining to your and your family members marriage status. All answers are anonymous and no private information is being collected.

Would love to put some of your data through a CNN! I work with deep learning people if you’re interested.

You can reach out to DAAS directly. Thank you!